De lingua et Graeca et Latina



  1. Franco Luigi Viero, Cevolanian syntactical rubbish, (December 2021).

  2. Franco Luigi Viero, Aristotele spiega l'aspetto verbale del presente e del perfetto [Aristoteles explains the verbal aspect of both the present tense and the perfect one], (March 2023).
    [The English translation of this article is not available, since, given the linguistic nuances it contains, it requires an English native speaker translator, and the editor is not.]

  3. Alfredo Trombetti, Grammatica latina, new annotated edition by Franco Luigi Viero (April 2023).


  1. J. H. Heinrich Schmidt, Synonymik der Griechischen Sprache, I÷IV, Leipzig (Teubner) 1876-1886.
    Vol. III, pp. 369÷373: "124." (Translation, notes and comment by Franco Luigi Viero, April 2013).

  2. Ceslas Spicq, Note di lessicografia neotestamentaria, I÷II, Brescia (Paideia Editrice) 1988, 1994. Italian Edition by Franco Luigi Viero. — As for the contribution of Giuseppe Bezza as co-translator of the first volume, see what has been reported on the page "Memento of Giuseppe Bezza."


  1. Francus Al. Illiceramius, Quid in mensis? (Pind. Ol. 1,50), (February 2013).


  1. Carlo Giussani, Lucrezio, I, new edition by Franco Luigi Viero. This first tome contains the original Italian edition of Studi lucreziani and both the text and commentary of the first and second book of de rerum natura, and also the pertinent Note lucreziane. For the details, see our English Prolusion. (September 2018).

  2. Carlo Giussani, Lucrezio, II. new edition by Franco Luigi Viero. The second tome contains the original Italian edition of both the text and commentary of all the other books of de rerum natura, and also the pertinent Note lucreziane. There is an Appendix, too, containing two Lucretian reviews written by Giussani. For the details, see our English Prolegomenon. (June 2019).

  3. Claudio Tolemeo, Almagesto, Libro Primo, recato per la prima volta in italiano, con annotazioni e due Appendici, a cura di Franco Luigi Viero, [Ptolemy's Almagest, Book One, translated into Italian for the first time, with annotations and two Appendices, by Franco Luigi Viero — English readers can find an English translation of both the Foreword and the Introduction by clicking here], (March 2021).

  4. Claudio Tolemeo, Almagesto, Libro Secondo, recato per la prima volta in italiano, con annotazioni, a cura di Franco Luigi Viero, [Ptolemy's Almagest, Book Two, translated into Italian for the first time, with annotations, by Franco Luigi Viero - English readers can find an English translation of both the Foreword and the Premiss by clicking here], (November 2023).


  1. Franco Luigi Viero, "Interesting" news regarding the booklet named de indolentia and attributed to Galen, (January 2017).

  2. Franco Luigi Viero, Free remarks about a review by Aristide Colonna., (April 2018).

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