Texts, Articles, Handbooks


A.1 Chopin as a teacher and pianist:

  1. Anonymous Scottish Lady, Letter to J. C. Hadden dated March 27, 1903 (note by Franco Luigi Viero).

  2. Kalkbrenner, Chopin, Liszt and Thalberg, from Life and Letters of Sir Charles Hallé, being an Autobiography (1819-1860) with Correspondence and Diaries, edited by His Son, C. E. Hallé, and His Daughter, Marie Hallé, London (Smith , Elder, & Co.) 1896, pp. 30÷40, 86÷90, 212÷215, 224÷225 (notes by Franco Luigi Viero).

  3. Karol Mikuli, Foreword (to his complete edition of Chopin's works), Leipzig (Kistner) 1880 (additional notes by Franco Luigi Viero).

  4. Frederick Niecks, Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician, London (Novello and Co., Ltd.) 31902:
    Vol. II, pp. 89-114: Chapter XXV. (additional notes—containing the unabridged text of the reviews of Chopin's Concerts held in 1841 and 1842—by Franco Luigi Viero).
    Vol. II, pp. 174-190: Chapter XXVIII. (additional notes by Franco Luigi Viero).
    Vol. II, pp. 338÷339: Appendices VII. & VIII. (editorial note by Franco Luigi Viero).
    Vol. II, pp. 340-343: Appendix IX. (notes by Franco Luigi Viero).

  5. Hector Berlioz, Death of Chopin (translation by Franco Luigi Viero) (June 2019).


  1. Franco Luigi Viero, Can a historical context make up for an ear problem? (November 2011).

  2. Franco Luigi Viero, On the margins of the XVI International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition of Warsaw (March 2011).

  3. Franco Luigi Viero, For a correct recensio of Chopin's Polonaise Op. 44 (June 2013; revision [a paragraph has been added]: July 2013).

  4. Franco Luigi Viero, Contribution to the recensio of Chopin's Prélude Op. 45 (September 2013 — March 14, 2014: date correction in note 3 — April 2014: a postscript has been added.).

  5. Franco Luigi Viero, Which edition is the best for the study of the works of Chopin? (June 2015).

  6. Franco Luigi Viero, Rubinštejn meets Chopin (September 2015).

  7. Franco Luigi Viero, The reviews of the concerts given by Chopin in 1841 and 1842 (February 2017).

  8. Franco Luigi Viero, Two unidentified sketches of Chopin (December 2018).

  9. Franco Luigi Viero, Chopin suffocated for a second time (June 2020).

  10. Franco Luigi Viero, Was Gutmann really Chopin's favourite pupil? And what kind of pupil was Mathias? (June 2021).

  11. Franco Luigi Viero, Scattered considerations on the admissions to the finals of the XVIII International Chopin Competition in Warsaw (October 18, 2021).

  12. Franco Luigi Viero, On the 19th International Fr. Chopin Piano Competition. (March 3, 2025).


  1. Josef Lhévinne, Principî di tecnica pianistica [Basic Principles in Pianoforte Playing] - Italian Version edited by Franco Luigi Viero, Corsico 1999, pp. xxx + 66 (ISBN 88-87571-00-7).

  2. [With respect to the original American version, the Italian version, in addition to an Introduction, which refers to certain didactic questions, contains Biographical Notes on the life of the great pianist as well as numerous notes within the text itself, which focus on some technical questions, and also a complete Index of Names. It goes without saying that reading the Introduction and notes is a choice of the reader, not an obligation imposed by the editor.]

    [This title is still available (July 2023) through www.amazon.it.]


  1. Francus Aloisius Illiceramius, Rei Particulae, themate quattuorque variationibus constantes quarum modos Patavino cymbalo aptavit (auctor), Corsico 1999, pp. 16 (ISBN 88-87571-01-5). € 6,00.


  1. CHOPIN COMPLETE WORKS - L'OEUVRE INTÉGRALEFormat: 30 CD BOX – Label: Brilliant Classics – Cat Number: 93217 – Publication date: without date, but probably 2007.

  2. CHOPIN - Vingt-quatre Préludes pour le piano op. 28 - Prélude pour le piano op. 45, Bärenreiter (August 2016).

  3. A new edition of the Barcarolle Op. 60 (July 2020).

  4. Two recent publications about Chopin (December 2020).

  5. The Trois Nouvelles Études let "The Complete Chopin", the new critical edition published by Peters, revive (March 2021).

  6. The recent edition of the Polonaises published by Wiener Urtext Edition has stolen a march on the long-awaited one by Peters (August 2022).

Works of
Fryderyk Chopin
in a New
Critical Edition


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